student graduating The Hartford Secondary Program is located on the Oak Hill campus. Our students, ages 14-21, have intellectual, behavioral, or multiple disabilities.  Behavioral, clinical, and therapeutic supports are provided by our multi-disciplinary team to maximize each student’s development.  We include intensive individualized instruction for vocational training, independent living, and community participation.



student on halloweenActivities in authentic environments facilitate the generalization of learned skills, and pupils gain experience by maintaining the school’s greenhouse, garden, and fish tank.  Students practice improved social and communication skills for self-advocacy and future success. The program also focuses on functional academics in language arts, math, science, and social studies. Many of the students complete requirements for a high school diploma.



Classroom Contacts & Location:
120 Holcomb Street
Hartford CT, 06112

Scott Esson, Hartford Secondary Classroom Teacher

Samantha Collins, Hartford Secondary Program Assistant