The Hebron Transition Classroom is located at beautiful Camp Hemlocks in Hebron, CT. Our students range from ages 16-21, with intellectual, behavioral, or multiple disabilities. Behavioral, clinical, and therapeutic supports are provided as needed by our multi-disciplinary team to maximize each student’s development. We provide intensive individualized instruction on such transition skills as employment, training, independent living, and community participation.
Activities in authentic environments facilitate the generalization of learned skills, as the students improve social and communication skills required for future success. The program also focuses on functional academics in language arts, math, science, and social studies. Many of the students complete requirements for a high school diploma, and all who participate in the program leave with a portfolio and resume as they enter the post-secondary world of adulthood.
Classroom Contact & Location:
Camp Hemlocks
85 Jones St, Hebron, CT, 06248
860- 228-1224
Elizabeth McLaughlin, Hebron Classroom Teacher
Michael Lawrence, Hebron Classroom Assistant